Twisted Korean donuts

Twisted Korean donuts (Kwabaegi: 꽈배기) taste like normal donuts. Twisted Korean donuts are more crispy and crunchy. Twisted Korean donuts are coated with cinnamon sugar as soon as they came out of the fryer. this is my take on these donuts and we like it. I hope you will like it too..


2 tsp of instant yeast
2 tbsp of sugar
1/2 cup of Warm milk
3 cups of all purpose flour
1 egg
Pinch of salt
4 tbsp of unsalted butter
1/2 tsp of vanilla essence
1/3 cup of brown sugar
2 tbsp of powder sugar
3/4 tbsp of cinnamon powder


1. In a cup add warm milk and add sugar in it, mix it well. Add instant yeast and lightly stir it. Cover the cup and let it set aside for 5 minutes.
2. In a bowl add egg, salt, melted butter, vanilla essence and add 1 cup of all purpose flour. Mix it well.
3. Add remaining flour and mix well, knead it well until dough comes together. Take out the dough, Grease the same bowl with some cooking oil and cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
4. Place the dough somewhere warm for about 1 and 1/2 hour or until it gets doubled in size.
5. Take the dough out on a well floured surface. Make a large ball, divide it into 4 equal parts. Divide each part into 4 equal parts again.
6. Take one part, make it in a cylindrical shape and roll down to make a rope of 8 inches while keeping it’s diameter of 1/2 inch.
7. Now pinch down both corners and gives this ring shape, two twists. Do it same with all 16 and cover them. Allow them to rest for 30 minutes.
8. In a pot add vegetable oil, heat up the oil on medium heat. Fry 3 at a time and for 2 minutes on each side.
9. Take them out on a plate. Mix cinnamon and both kinds of sugar. Put warm donuts into cinnamon sugar. Coat well with cinnamon sugar. Take them out and serve.

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