Peace of mind: The art of Calmness and Tranquility

There are a lot of things you learn everyday. Not everyone has that ability to see things like you see. It does not mean that they are wrong or you are wrong. It is matter of how you see things differently from others. In other words you can’t control others thought and also you don’t have to do that purposely. Everyone has a purpose of his own life. You are boss of your own thoughts. Often we loose our concentration just to please others. In that case loss of concentration lead us to lack of peace. Peace is an integral part of life and without peace it is hard to do anything right. Not everyone have that ability to control emotions or not to react in any case, you learn it with the passage of time. Regrets and anxiety related to life make you feel angry and anxious about future. We think that things should be done this way or the other way. In all that process you lost your focus. Ultimately Lack of focus head towards lost of hope. If there is no hope for you that things might get easier this way you pretend to be happy but you were not happy at all.

So when things are bothering you and you want clear vision try out following points it might help you a lot.

1. Keep your focus what you have today

You are unable to see what is coming up next if you are not focused enough. If you feel anxious about life or you think if you have done this thing this way you might be able to achieve more. You need a focus and clear vision towards life.

2. Make small achievable goals in life

Sometimes we challenge ourselves by making big and unachievable goals. As soon as we break ourselves by not doing up to the mark we get stuck in our life. Make sure to leave some space for mistakes. Also, set goals realistically.

3. Realization

It is not easy to find out that you were thinking wrong at that time. As you grow with age sometimes you realized about your own mistakes. It makes you upset and feel guilty about them. But you need to settle down to see what is coming up next.

4. Maturity

Maturity is not a thing to learn in a day or maturity is not to be right all the time. May be you feel you are very mature and now you can easily handle everything but it is not right. Ideally it is very hard to learn how to live, but maturity is to live with all the problems you faced so far in your life. Maturity is to handle situations knowing that you can’t erase your past mistakes and you have to live with these mistakes and move towards future.

There are a lot of things you learn everyday and hardest way to learn anything is to experience that thing in your life. In order to avoid negativity and keep growing you need peace of mind that you can do it anyway, if not this way than might be other way is the way for you to do. Keep moving forward with positivity and being kind to others.

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