AIOU Department of Teaching Education is offering following courses for B.Ed (1.5 years) program in spring 2017 , second semester for continuing students.
Read more about List of Courses for B.Ed (1.5 years) spring 2017, Second semester
B.Ed (1-1/2-Years) in AIOU is a one and half year program with 54 credit hours and Three semesters. These paper are for first semester of B.Ed spring 2016. The name of courses and codes are as follow. 1. General Methods of Teaching (Professional)-8601 2. Educational Assessment and Evaluation (Professional)-8602 3. Curriculum Development (Foundation)-8603 4. Research …
Read more about AIOU B.Ed (1.5) Fall Semester 2016 Papers
B.Ed (1-1/2-Years) in AIOU is a one and half year program with 54 credit hours and Three semesters. These assignment questions are for First semester of B.Ed Autumn 2016. The name of courses and codes are as follow. 1. General Methods of Teaching (Professional)-8601 2. Educational Assessment and Evaluation (Professional)-8602 3. Curriculum Development (Foundation)-8603 4. …
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According to different cultural background mehndi (henna) can be divided into several types. Most famous types of mehndi designs are Arabic, Indian, Pakistani and African. Designs from these diverse regions can easily be differentiated. Here are their individual features that will help you in identifying the type of design. Indian Mehndi Designs Indian mehndi are …
Read more about Types of Mehndi : Designs from Different Regions
Adobe Photoshop is interesting software. You can give hundreds of effects to your text. The use of this software is not so much difficult and you can give different effects in minutes. As you all know about the film Matrix. It’s a super hit world wide. When I see the title of the movie I …
Read more about Matrix Movie Effect in Photoshop
WordPress is the most successful blogging CMS in market. There are lots of free plugins available for free. Today we will show you some of the few contact form for wordpress. This will be our top five wordpress plugin for contact form. This is our top five list so you can differ from us. 5. …
Read more about Top Five Contact form Plugins For WordPress
When you want to display content of a post in wordpress, you can use just “the_content” in the loop to display content. Now there are some scenarios where you want to display only images of the post instead of text. So here in this post I will tell you that how we can get images …
Read more about Get images from post content in wordpress
single.php is used to display posts of a categories in wordpress. Suppose you want to display each category with a different layout then you can add different template file for each category. You can use built in function “in_category” of wordpress. This function checks that the specific post assigned to which specific category. You can …
Read more about Different post template for each category in wordpress
If you have some child pages for any parent page then you maybe want to add child pages in sidebar. Menu in website sidebar is common thing you have seen menu in sidebar in many websites. You can easily create a sidebar menu in wordpress using “wp-list-pages”. This blog post in not about “wp-list-pages”. I …
Read more about Display Child Pages on parent page as menu items in wordpress
The best way to work on Photoshop is use short keys. Almost every option of the Photoshop had a short key. instead of click on the specific icon or key just press the short key of the required tool or option and get the require results. you don’t have to switch your hands from keyboard …
Read more about Create own shortkeys in photoshop