Harry potter is a series in which the story not only depends on main characters. In this story harry potter meet several characters. Some of them are wizards some are not. Some are not even humans. The non-human characters are mostly the magical creatures introduced in the series. A small description of some of the magical creatures is given in this article. Hope you’ll enjoy it.
House-elves are small creatures not more than 2-3 feet tall. They serve wizards as there servants. They have pointed ears and skinny legs and arms. Their eyes and head are bigger than the rest of their bodies.
House-elves are obedient creatures and follow the instructions which are given by their masters. They wear useless and discarded clothes such as old pillow-cases, and rags etc. They have magical powers. They can even use them against their masters’ order but if they do so then they have to punish themselves in the most painful way. There masters can set them free by giving them clothes.
2. Basilisk
In harry potter basilisk is a long monster serpent. According to Harry potter series, these creatures are as long as fifty feet and live as much as hundreds of years. Basilisks can only be controlled by parcel-mouths.
Basilisk kills its enemy by its toxins and also with the magical powers in its eyes. The magical powers can kill anyone who looks in its eyes directly and petrify those who look into them indirectly. Ghosts, if look in its eye can’t die again so they get petrified. Basilisk toxins can be cured by healing power in tears of Phoenix.
3. Dementors
Dementors are dark creatures, covered with long black cloak. Instead of walking they use to fly around from one place to another. They have decayed bodies. Their face has nothing except a hole in the place of mouth. They use it for sucking soul of the victim form his body by a process called “dementor’s kiss”.
Dementors swallow all the happiness in the atmosphere around them. They cause depression in all humans who are near them. They fed on human souls, happiness and all positive thoughts.
4. Hippogriff
In harry potter series hippogriff was introduced in 3rd part by hagrid who was the teacher of “care of magical creatures”. It has head, beak, feathers and forelimbs that resemble a bird while its rest of the body resembles a horse. Hippogriff is a calm, sensitive but powerful creature. They are very beautiful and also are very proud. They demand respect and if someone insults them they can even attack them. In third part buckbeak the hippogriff attacked Draco malfoy when he insulted it by calling it ugly creature.
5. Werewolves
Werewolves look like normal human beings and they turn into “wolves like” creatures on full moon. A werewolf is slightly different from real wolf and can be distinguished. A werewolf after transforming can’t control its actions and can harm anyone. A person becomes a werewolf when he is bitten by another werewolf when it is in wolf form. In wizardry world nothing has been discovered to cure a person after being bitten by a werewolf. There is a potion for werewolves which help them to maintain their human mind in wolf form. In this way they may not harm others.
6. Ghosts
Ghosts are silvery and translucent in appearance. They can pass through tables, doors and even walls. They can be affected by magical spells. According to the Harry Potter series, only dead wizards can become ghosts. However ghosts are not harmful and they don’t scare human beings. Instead some of them really helped the living wizards. A ghost named Professor Binns even taught history of magic at Hogwarts.
7. Pixies
A pixie is a mischievous creature which loves to play trick. They are annoying little things which can fly. They are blue in color. In harry potter and the chamber of secrets, professor Lockhart brought some pixies in defense against the dark art class but lost control on them. Those pixies attacked students. Professor Lockhart instead of helping ran away. In the end Hermione stopped them by using “freezing charm”.
8. Animagus
Animagus is a wizard or witch who can transform into an animal whenever he or she wants to. All wizards cannot become animagi. To acquire the skills of becoming an animagi, one must be powerful and should be skilled wizards. One animagus can transform himself into only one specific animal. The animal is not selected by the animagus, but it is determined by the character of that person.
9. Boggart
Bogart is a magical creature which has ability to take the shape of the thing which fears its victim the most. Boggart likes to hide in dark places. A bogart changes its shape on its first sight that’s why there are only a few people who have actually seen that how a real boggart looks like.
10. Goblin
Goblins are small creatures with long fingers of both hands and feet. They have comparatively longer ears. Goblins are very clever creatures. In harry potter series goblins runs a wizard bank named “Gringotts”. It is considered as safest place but not as safe as Hogwarts.
Goblins were among the first magical creatures which harry potter has seen in the series. He met them when he visited their wizard bank “Gringotts” with Hagrid in the first part “harry potter and the philosopher’s stone” to withdraw some money which his parents had left him.