Over past couple of years, gamer community has seen quite a number of brilliant games. Graphics, AI and physics are better than ever and are more close to nature. But there are still some awesome games which although released a decade ago but still worth playing. In case you didn’t get the opportunity to enjoy these masterpieces, this summer it’s time to settle some old scores. Here is a list of worth playing games, if you have suggestions for more games please feel free to comment.
Half Life 2: Episode 1
This sequel starts from the crumbling “City 17″. In this episode Alyx and Gordon are required to reenter the Citadel and fix the core. Otherwise the core will blow up and level the whole City 17. I thought this sequel would emphasize more on kick ass action, but the game starts with lots of fixing work to do. Off course you also get to see good action later in the game. Graphics are even better than the original Half Life 2 game, which was awarded the graphic king title by the gamespy. If you haven’t played HL 2 then you should definitely play the original sequel first.
F.E.A.R. is a horror-packed first person shooter developed by Monolith Productions. As the game begins a special forces named First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R.) is assigned a mission to control an unexpected situation. A man named Paxton Fettel has taken command over a battalion of super soldiers. Now it is your duty to stop the freak before he does more damage. During your missions you also have to deal with paranormal events. There is a strange girl appearing and disappearing during the course of game. The developers have done a great job in keeping the fear factor, music and graphics in appropriate proportions.
Far Cry
Far Cry is another great game in the first person shooter category. It was published in 2004 by Ubisoft In the game you assume the role of Jack Carver who runs a boat-charter business. You get hired by Valerie Constantine, your job is to take her an unknown island. When she is away you get attacked by mercenaries. Although you manage to survive, your boat is totally ruined. You are thousands of miles apart from the civilized world. Now you are required to find your way out and fight the mercenaries that are after Valerie. The game consists on level spread across many beautiful islands, with stunning sceneries. On the whole it’s a great action packed game with excellent graphics.
Call of Duty 2
Just when you thought you had played all of World War II missions, here comes Call of Duty 2. I was pretty amazed that a same mission can give a unique gaming experience if presented through a different angle. For instance the Omaha Beach mission comes with a twist. The US soldiers are sent four miles west of Omaha Beach. Now you have to climb steep cliffs guarded by the enemy soldiers. After that you have to destroy the artillery units there. Some new WW II missions are there as well. There are three campaigns which let you be a soldier from the United States Army, British Army, and Red Army. The game has better graphics than its predecessor and it’s a joy to play. Too bad Call of Duty 3 isn’t coming on PC.
Prince of Persia 3: The Two Thrones
After Prince of Persia: The Sands of Times and Warrior Within, comes another great sequel of the epic adventure. As the prince is returns to his home city of Babylon, he find out the city has been burned down. There is also a most interesting twist of all, and if you haven’t played the previous sequels, then you won’t be able to enjoy it. Game play is excellent and prince’s acrobatic skills are also better.
Resident Evil 4
PC version of Resident Evil 4 was released in March 2007. Console version of the game, released in 2005, and earned lots of game of the year awards. Player assumes the role of Leon Scott Kennedy, a survivor from the Raccoon City. Leon is now an agent in the Secret Service. He is assigned a mission to search and rescue the President’s daughter, Ashley Graham. Looking for Ashley, Leon goes to a village located in Europe. During the course of mission Leon meets some familiar people who help him out. RE 4 offers a mind-blowing gaming experience and don’t forget to soup-up you PC before purchasing the title.
Tomb Raider 7: Tomb Raider Legend
Tomb Raider Legend is the seventh installment in the popular Tomb Raider series. It’s an adventure/action/puzzle packed game and will appeal all your senses. Surprisingly the game has a brand new story line and if you haven’t played the previous parts than you won’t miss much. When the game begins Lara travels to Tiwanaku, an ancient civilization in Bolivia. She is in search of a stone, similar to the stone that made her mother disappear when she was nine years old. She soon finds out that she is not alone in the ruins. Game’s graphics are excellent and your system configuration must be perfect to if you want to enjoy this game in full graphics settings.
Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter
G.R.A.W. is the third game in the Ghost Recon series. It’s a tactical first person shooter published by Ubisoft. You can command a team of Ghost while completing your objectives. Main emphasis of the game is on managing unit to successfully accomplish the assigned mission, while staying alive of course. You can also issue commands to tanks and UAV drones. The game demands high system requirements.
Need for Speed Carbon
NFS Carbon is yet another addition in the street racing category. Locations and tracts are similar to ones in the movie Tokyo Drift. Carbon borrows same engine for graphics from its predecessor, but graphics seemed a lot better. The crew concept has also been introduced in this game. You can make a team and race. Crew members are of three types Scouts, Blockers and Drafters. Twists like this make the game worth playing. Some new cars have also been introduced.
Doom 3
It’s an excellent first person shooter from 2004. If you had not played it yet then you would definitely consider this option. It’s a horror sci-fi game. The gamer assumes the role of a space marine. Your job is to fight invasion of inter-dimensional demons inside UAC, a space research center on Mars. There is no sign of genetic mutation stuff that was seen in the Doom movie. You just have to blow up demons from hell. Graphics and music are simply mind-blowing. If you set the graphics to highest settings, the game won’t seem to be 3 years old.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Double Agent is the fourth game in the Splinter Cell series. The game offers a third person view and most missions are stealth ones. If you are looking for hard core action packed game, then you will be disappointed. If you are a Splinter Cell fan then you will certainly love this sequel. In the game you assume the role of Sam Fisher, a secret operative. Game begins in 2007, Sam Fisher is sent on a mission to Iceland to investigate weird activities going on inside a geothermal plant. On the whole game offers a nice gaming experience.
Fable: The Lost Chapters

Fable is a role playing action/adventure game. It was unlike any other game I played. In the game you can choose your own destiny. Your character evolves in real time on basis of you actions during the game. It is an extended version of original Fable game with addition of new characters and levels. In original game the main character Hero lives in Albion, the land is ruled by a king. When Hero was a child his village is attacked by bandits. Hero is saved by a person named Maze. Hero is trained along with a girl named Whisper. After the training, Hero embarks on a journey to investigate about his village’s destruction.